10 Key Reasons to Hire a Dedicated Web Developer
October 24th, 2023

While trying to develop your own website may be tempting, professional web developers can provide you with better visual appeal, better user experiences, and more.

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How to Use Schema Markup: A Guide to Better Search Results
September 28th, 2023

What is schema markup, and how can it result in higher rankings in search? In this guide, learn how to use schema markup to increase your online presence. 


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API Integration and What It Can Do for Your Business
September 13th, 2023

API integration allows for streamlined data exchanges between two or more parties. With API, your business can automate tasks, streamline data access, and more.

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Mapping Your Goals with GA4 Conversions
August 24th, 2023

Tracking conversions is a crucial step in understanding the effectiveness of your marketing. GA4’s introduction of events gives you greater control than ever before.

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Which Digital Advertising Platform is Best for You?
August 15th, 2023

The introduction of digital advertising revolutionized marketing. Each advertising platform, be it Google, social media, or your website, has unique pros and cons.

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What is Google EEAT? (And Why You Should Know About It)
July 18th, 2023

Google’s EEAT guidelines are used to rank the quality of page content. They’re a small part of the larger December 2022 quality rater guidelines update.

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UI Design Vs. UX Design: Elements of Web Success
June 21st, 2023

 UI design and UX design are essential components of digital marketing. Learn about the differences between each and how they are utilized for web success. 

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The Importance of SEO in 2023
June 19th, 2023

SEO best practices are always changing. It’s important to utilize the latest SEO trends and updates in order to maintain or boost your online ranking.


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What You Need to Know about GA4
May 9th, 2023

2023 marks the end of Universal Analytics and the start of Google’s new Google Analytics 4, or GA4. Here’s what you need to know to prepare for the switch.

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AI Content: Helpful or Harmful?
April 27th, 2023

AI-generated content has been on the rise for years, but has it reached the point where it can create usable website copy?

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