Website and Digital Marketing Phone support is available at (814) 746-6987 within business hours (8:30 AM to 4:30 PM EST). A dedicated member of the staff will answer your call; calls are never outsourced.
Epic Web Studios offers 24/7 email support with fast response times during business hours. We are also here on weekends, evenings, and in the event of an emergency.
Epic has the ability to send and receive text messages on our main office line (814-746-6987), which is monitored during normal business hours, Monday - Friday.
Schedule for Later
Need support but do not need it now? Schedule a virtual meeting with a dedicated team member through Google Meet during normal business hours, Monday - Friday.
Instant Google Meet
Do you need to meet with us immediately? Our team is happy to connect through video conferencing right now, so we can work through your support issue together.

Website and Digital Marketing Phone support is available at (814) 746-6987 within business hours (8:30 AM to 4:30 PM EST). A dedicated member of the staff will answer your call; calls are never outsourced.

Epic Web Studios offers 24/7 email support with fast response times during business hours. We are also here on weekends, evenings, and in the event of an emergency.

Epic has the ability to send and receive text messages on our main office line (814-746-6987), which is monitored during normal business hours, Monday - Friday.

Schedule for Later
Need support but do not need it now? Schedule a virtual meeting with a dedicated team member through Google Meet during normal business hours, Monday - Friday.

Instant Google Meet
Do you need to meet with us immediately? Our team is happy to connect through video conferencing right now, so we can work through your support issue together.
Support via Google Meet
Reach the Support Team & Get Help with Your Web Presence
At Epic Web Studios, we pride ourselves on our fast and concise customer support. Whether by phone, e-mail, instant message, Epics Facebook, face-to-face, or even smoke signals. You name it, we are always available to help. Epic Web Studios has a support channel for just about every way to communicate. Connect with the team for help with your urgent support issue using one of the tools below, or send us a message through the website. We are committed to providing the best and most timely support possible.