"The Race to 2020" is an ambitious, special, four-year reporting project by writer and editor Daniel Allott and his twin brother, documentary filmmaker Jordan Allott. One of their first stops was to Erie, PA where they interviewed managing partner David Hunter about running an internet marketing firm in Pennsylvania. 

"Erie is not trying to be anything other than Erie, Pennsylvania," Hunter says. "I think there’s this resurgence of development and innovation and just change that’s happening in this city that’s been happening for … the past seven to 10 years." clipped from the Examiner's Erie County photo gallery

Read the full article from the Washington Examiner's Race to 2020http://bit.ly/EpicRustBelt 

David Hunter and Daniel Alllott at the Tap House in Erie, PA
David Hunter and Daniel Allott
O.H. Perry Statue in Erie, PA
Lake Erie
Senior Developer Wangel Tamang, David Hunter and Daniel Allott
Erie PA is known as The Gem City

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